Improved SQL Injections - PhpStorm can now substitute the values of constants directly within the injected string, so you can run a query without copy-pasting their values.
You can use a simple pattern to find a foreach loop with an unconditional return statement, or even create your own inspection that will capture an unnecessarily double-quoted string, if your code style enforces this. Structural Search and Replace - Now you can specify the type of Structural variable, which lets you, for example, find a call to the specific method where the first parameter is a string.Move Instance Method Refactoring - For handling the methods that cannot be made static or moved across the class hierarchy, PhpStorm 2018.2 introduces a refactoring that allows you to move an instance method to a parameter class or to a field class.You don’t have to type or invoke completion for each part of \Illuminate\Auth\Events anymore - just type IAuE instead. FQCN Completion - Completion now matches the namespace in addition to the element name.Create templates to match your project and your personal coding style. Custom postfix completion templates - Add custom postfix completion templates.